Monday, March 1, 2010

Should Daddies Wear Baby Slings Too? Well of Course!

Ladies, it's time to include your man in the fun of baby-wearing!When daddy carries baby in a sling the baby is now experiencing the world through daddy's eyes. Baby will experience the conversations and viewpoint of Daddy. This is a great learning experience for baby to see interactions through each parent. Most importantly, this simple act of carrying baby close builds important lifelong bonds. Baby hears dad's heartbeat, and daddies voice and feels the vibration when he speaks. Baby feels safe and secure in daddy's arms, a connection that will last for life.

Baby wearing has become a new occurrence to many people now-a-days but it is something that has been done for centuries all over the world. This ancient practice does not have to be limited to only mommies. Men are finally starting to realize the great benefits of baby wearing too! There have been many recent celebrity sightings of men carrying their babies in slings. Even out in everyday life, take a look around and you will probably spot a few proud dads carrying their baby in a sling too.

Carrying your baby in slings or wraps have been proven to reduce the overall crying of babies by 50 percent. This is because you can tend to your baby's needs much quicker. It's also due to the fact that babies just feel much more content being close to the ones they love. So, if daddy is worried about that fussy baby, have him pop on a sling, put the baby in and watch that little one quickly relax.

What kind of sling should daddy be using? Well just like purchasing a sling for mom, daddy needs to pick the right size for him. Usually the taller and wider a person, the larger the sling will need to be. There are sizing charts at most places that sell slings. Slings come in a multitude of designs and fabrics. Most dads tend to go for the plain, neutral colored slings. My favorite style for daddy baby slings is the Dark Blue Denim fabric. It's plain and simple and comfortable, like a good pair of jeans. But for those daddies out there looking to showcase a more unique style there are plenty of slings out there with prints and designs tailored for men.

Always remember to first learn the proper way to carry baby in the sling. It is quite simple, but it is always good to make sure you are doing everything correctly to increase safety for your baby. Most reputable baby sling companies include instructions on how to safely carry your baby. Some even include DVD's with each order. Always ask the company or other baby wearing parents if you have questions. Happy baby slinging!

Nala Jones is co-owner of and has a commitment to spreading the word of baby wearing and the many benefits it includes. Offering a blog community for baby wearers and a variety of baby slings too.

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